This is a new garden by the patio, with strawberries, Gladiolas, Canna Lilies, Verbena bonariensis, Rudbeckia, Fever few, Lovage, Foxglove, sedums and a rose.
This is the newest of all, a dry garden with Asiatic Lilies, Oriental Stargazer Lilies, Coneflower, Penstemon, Rosemary, Yarrow, red thyme, 'Earliblue' Blueberry, Honeycomb buddleja, Echinops/Globe Thistle, Sedum "Red Cauli", Fairy Wands, Coreopsis, Monarda (lilac color), Hyssop, Iris and black Watchman Hollyhocks that Thomas Jefferson grew at Montecello.
This area was a bit neglected before, it's on the back a hill away from the house. But I discovered it's sunny and has rich I've started to plant bunches of flowers here. I have Bergamot, Tansy Crispum, Violet Lupine, Centaurea, Saxifraga, Daisy, Aster, Campanula, Foxglove, Forget me not, Oriental Poppy, California Poppy and Red and Pink Hollyhocks.
The hammock has changed positions and so the plantings has to comply with foot traffic & sagging butts encroaching into the flowers. So I framed the grass with a rose hedge of 'Peach Drift', leaving a walk way with red thyme to the hammock. Mexican hair grasses were transplanted here to hopefully fill in a meadow-like area underneath that promises not to poke any sitters!