Saturday, May 28, 2011


It's going to be an awesome year in the garden. More birds, frogs and hummingbirds are lingering. Everything is growing like crazy, filling in and really taking shape. We are on year three, I believe. Isn't it year one weep, year two creep and year three leap?

The chartreuse euphorbias have taken the attention this year, they look great with the blues and pinks.

The back yard is also starting to really take off.

The rose hedge is incredibly healthy looking. I hope this is the plant strength and not left over chemical treatment from the grower.

The moon garden with blooming coral bells, the hummingbird loves these.

The South hill garden has knitted together this Spring. The Lupine and sedum are especially nice.

Japanese Maple with new Variegared Iris.

It's name is Iris Palladia, and it smells exactly like grape soda, sometimes like PEZ. Delicious.

Shell pink rhody with astilbe, yarrow, Spruce, lavender and many flowers coming from seed.

Looking a little crowded, wouldn't you say? I guess this is the leaping part.

Winter creeper, starting to take off this year.

A step back to see the big picture.

Pink Dogwood in the front yard.

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