A quick list of those left behind...and then I promise to let them go forever & move on!
Hardy fuchsia
Japanese Anemone
Lambs ear
Parsley seed
Primroses hardy
Pink Oriental Poppy
Clematis Armandii
Clematis A Purple four leaf variety
Fireworks golden rod
The ones I got, but ended up kicking the bucket anyway...
Cat mint (at least the cats got some pleasure from this before it died.)
Chartreuse box wood
A number of Rose cuttings
Grape vine starts
The jury is still out on these plants that I tried to propagate & bring to the new house: I have an indoor & outdoor nursery where they are fighting for their lives.
Akebia Vine
Daphne Odora
Mock Orange tree
green boxwood
I also have some starts that seemed successful enough to put into the landscape already. These may not make it & I am keeping an eye on them.
Pink Clematis
Wire Vine
Maidenhair Ferns
Calla Lilies
The list of plants I managed to propagate successfully is a truly fabulous list! I will have to gather data & photos of that endeavor to see how I did & reflect upon the wonder of nature! It amazes me.