A red hot dragonfly perched on a Rose bud next to my chair, as I drank a cup of coffee in the rose/herb garden this morning.
Sorry they are so blurry, I'm sure I was too excited to capture this moment.
The sedum will definitely survive being accosted by the racoon...I like the tulip leaves turning pink.
The apricot Iris bloomed.
The world's tiniest Astilbe! I love that it put out one set of leaves & a tiny bloom! This is where you start when you buy half price bulbs already leafing out in their bags from a hardware store...long after they should have been in the ground. I have high hopes for next year.
There are spiky dark purple blooms in front here, that haven't opened yet...I assumed it's some kind of Iris. Any day now...
Front porch plantings of Sweet Pea and Nasturtiums. A couple weeks should have them sprouted & climbing.
A happy maiden hair fern.
Another look at the front yard.