Friday, May 14, 2010

First Radish Harvest!

I was so excited when I saw the pink shoulders of the radish bumping above the soil line.

I read that you should pluck them from the ground at this early stage, so they are sweet and mild.

So I did.

Aren't they pretty?

I had them for breakfast. I tried butter on one side, cream cheese on the other. With kosher salt everywhere. Butter won.

It is a joy to eat something so delicious you just pulled from your earth, and sit and stare and hear birds, and think on all the gems still growing in that little patch.

Little Things

Some updates on the little happenings in the garden.

This emerging African Lily. A new addition this Spring. I am told the flowers will be football sized.

First bud on our clove scented rose.

First bud on my David Austin beauty.

I love this sculpture. It is from my childhood home, and I have ideas to plant her with succulents that will overflow her bangs and under her chin.

Our new mini rose has put out a couple new blooms, a good sign.

The culinary Sage is just about to bloom, it will be the first time for this little guy that grew from seed.

Anticipating Peonies.

The Rush looks very dramatic in the morning sun.

The Native Salmon Berry is doing really well since joining us last fall.

Here is my fully 100% weed free pathway. Since not being able to walk all Winter and Spring, the weeds in my gardens have taken advantage. This is the first place I have "taken back" and boy do I have a ways to go.

Rhody Love

The Rhodadendrons are just about at their peak of bloom. Delicate pinks in the back yard, and hot pinks in the front yard.