Sunday, May 2, 2010

Growing Chitted Potatoes

I'm planting some chitted organic red potatoes today. They chitted themselves quite nicely and accidentally in the garage. The dark of the moon is the best time to plant underground plants while the moon draws the moisture deeper into the earth for the next couple weeks. I learned about chitting from Jamie Oliver, but it must be an art as old as potatoes themselves. Cut a one inch square around a growing eye in your potato.

Cut this section from the potato & plant in a well cultivated trench. Once the potato plant sprouts and starts to grow a stalk, mound soil up around it's neck, as the weeks pass, continue this process, as high as you can mound the dirt. (Hence starting in a trench.)

The underground potato stalk will grow potatoes all along the stalk as long as it keeps getting buried, producing a lot more potatoes from just one plant. This is great news for small spaces!

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