Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Roses that can do no wrong.

I'm crushin on this one.

Crane sighting

We were thrilled to have this crane visit us for the first time this week. A neighboring pond regularly brings us flickers, sparrows, ducks, robins, red winged blackbirds, crows, chickadees, blue jays and finches.

Coco's good life.

She likes dirt, even more than I.
She found the catnip...
and went straight to heaven.

She also prefers the bird flavored water.

She and her sister tolerated some heavy teasing from a neighbor.

Once claws started getting caught in screens I had to put down the camera & pick up a spray bottle, and that was the end of that.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A magical place

Definitely worth zooming in on this one to see the rainbow sunshine coming in.

Stipa Gigantium, beautiful at sunset and now five feet tall.

This yellow spider jumped out of the flower when I smelled it today.

My first lettuce! Hopefully a new trend of growing food.

Hello, Pumpkin!

First day in the back yard. She scowls when she's happy.

This one approves of my decision to let her outside.

Double Delight Rose

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Let's see what's beautiful around here.

Jon & I covered the front with shredded redwood. I used to shun bark, but I've come to appreciate this easy and natural form of water/temperature/weed control.

Here's the unfolding of the amazing "Abraham Darby" rose week by week. It starts innocently enough.

Starts to show signs of real personality.

Becomes quite full and amazingly strong with scent.

And then pow! It just keeps getting lusher. Growing such a delicious rose feels like a luxury.

At last, a puff of rose for beside the bed.

These mysterious spikes turned into Siberian Iris blooms.

The Leucuthoe was amazing in bloom! Cascades of tiny cream urns. Bees love them.

The peachy brown & lavender bronze Iris with the last show-a raggedy looking mess. But I'm very fond of them, and next year there will be a ton more blossoms!

This grass in bloom is really nice, 4 feet tall wind rattles.

The Marmalade Coral bells color keeps morphing...yummy.

The sunny yellow blooms of the sedum look extra good with the chalk blue & pink.

The fireglow Euphorbia puts it's best show on in couple months, the stems & flower bracts turn hot red and orange...stay tuned.

This bugger has been dug out, I saw it had an invasive habit in a neighbor's yard. Gave me a fright & it's been sent to a pot.

The Red hot poker surprised me by blooming! Jack says next season this will spread to a big blooming patch.

Sedum, it started apple green, I love this developement.

One last look before we say goodbye.

Another day has gone, the front yard rests in the relief of shade.